Each class will have a revision session the class day prior to the exam. An * next to a time means that time is still tentative, to be confirmed this week.
All students are highly encouraged to be revising already: If you wait until May to begin revision, YOU HAVE WAITED TOO LONG!
OMG and Sea Level Rise
Drilling set to begin on ELE Crater
Physics 9 Unit Test
With grading conferences this week (1/2 Feb) and no afternoon classes, the unit test for you has been pushed back to the week after project week. That test will be on 23 February.
IGCSE Mock Exam Schedule
Wednesday 20 January
ICT Paper 2: Practical
Wednesday 20 January
Physics Paper 1
Monday 25 January
Physics Paper 2
Friday 29 January
ICT Paper 1: Written
Thanks for the support! Next year's Film Festival will be announced in June 2016. Next telescope night: Planned for January. Watch this page for date and time!
Exam Week, term 1
Exams will begin 23 November and run through 9 December.
6th Science
8 December
7th Science
9 December
7th ICT
24 November
8th Science
2 December
9th ICT
4 December
9th Physics
8 December
Climate Updates
The latest from NASA on climate data
General Science 7 unit assessment
Due to Parent meetings on 4 November, the assessment will take place Friday 6 November during class
Because of another conflict, the Physics 9 assessment has been shifted to Tuesday, 20 October from the originally scheduled date of the 19th. We will revise on the 19th and then the assessment will begin the first period of classs on Tuesday
Climate Change
Don't believe in climate change? Global warming got you confused? Watch this video. If you want to check the sources, look at the description on YouTube-there are links available.
Each student must take a copy of the Lab Safety Contract home and have the contract signed by your parents/sponsors. I will also sign them, as will you. These classroom/safety contracts are designed to concretely remind you that YOU are responsible for your own actions, that safety begins with YOU, and to reinforce classroom rules. Turning in the contract within the due date will earn a 10-point quiz grade.
During the first week of school, each student must complete and take a quiz that covers the "How to Succeed In Mr. Walrath's Class" lesson and the "Classroom Safety" lesson
Please note that practical jokes and horseplay in the classroom, especially during periods when the class is engaged in, preparing for, or cleaning after a lab can lead to serious injury or worse. Because of this, any perceived practical jokes or horseplay students engage in will result in 1) disciplinary referral, 2) parental notification, and 3) detention referral. Since we are talking about physical safety for everyone in the classroom, lab safety is critical.
Students are required to check their class lesson pages at least the evening prior to scheduled class to insure they have properly prepared for that day's lessons. All content is available online, and the textbooks are a supplemental source which students much use as part of their learning.
Cornell Notes are required for all reading assignments, all assigned videos, and all in-class lectures. The specifics on how to take Cornell Notes, using the SQR3 text marking scheme is covered during the first week of class. You can also review it by visiting this page in the How to Succeed lesson
On the navigation bar to the right, you can see several "common" links including hobbies and meta indici for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
Students in my classes are expected to visit this site and browse to their course material on a daily basis!